Deliver advanced technology in critical industries, alongside the world’s best engineers.

Carnegie Office Picture


Carnegie is an organization for those who thrive on responsibility, difficulty, and autonomy. Our team is small and highly motivated. We work hard, prioritize well, and are obsessed with the mission.

Who do you want to serve in your career?

Aerospace & defense is a mission-critical industry, and our customers operate in the interests of national security. They are repairing the airliners and infrastructure to keep our airports running, and manufacturing systems to defend against adversaries.

If you want to raise the stakes of your career, we want to hear from you.



Speed matters. Getting back to someone today is better than tomorrow. We prioritize well and execute fast on the projects that count.

Client Service

Our clients' interests always come first, and we operate like a Magic Circle firm in the field. If a client wants a mountain moved, we move it yesterday – no questions.


If people don’t laugh when you suggest an idea, then it's not ambitious enough. Pursue huge ideas and make them happen.


Maintain respect for yourself, your colleagues, your clients, and your environment.

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