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Who We Are

Why We Exist

Our mission at Carnegie is Zero Human Error across Aerospace and Defence supply chains.

Zero Human Error means safer planes in the sky and more reliable weapons for our troops. It means a faster rate of innovation in our critical industries. It means trust and security among Allied nations.

Zero Human Error in A&D supply chains will transform Western industry.

But it is complex to solve:

  • 2.2 million Americans work in A&D. Each of them performs hundreds of tasks each day. That’s hundreds of billions of opportunities each year for human error to occur.
  • There are 100,000s of manufacturers in global A&D supply chains. Their interactions are complex beyond human understanding.
  • A single Boeing 747 has 6 million individual parts, supplied by over 10,000 manufacturers.

Human error causes 60–80% of failures, accidents, and quality breakdowns in high-risk manufacturing– this costs lives.

So, how do you achieve Zero Human Error when it is the overwhelming source of quality breakdowns?

The core message: we cannot trust business-as-usual. We cannot take baby steps forward — because incumbent technology is too far behind. Instead, we require a radical transition to a new era of quality — and a tremendous urgency in making that transition happen fast.

This is why Carnegie exists. To propel the world into a Zero Human Error future.

Carnegie’s Quality Automation System

Carnegie’s Quality Automation System is powered by advanced AI technology. This technology can autonomously execute billions of quality tasks per day in every A&D facility across the Allied nations, without tolerance for a single error.

The next generation of Aerospace and Defence technology will depend less on advances in design & engineering. Instead, it will depend on advances in AI, data, and software. Carnegie unlocks this era by bringing trusted, secure, and powerful AI to the supply chain & quality functions.

AI can understand human text, photographs, and videos. It can understand when to perform quality tasks, and how to perform them. It can evaluate its own performance & self-modify.

The implications are profound.

For the aerospace industry, this future looks like flawlessly performed quality tasks. Better jets, safer submarines, and more reliable nuclear reactors.

Stable quality >> stable product >> stable manufacturers >> stable supply chains >> stable societies.

Increasing A&D Innovation in a Competitive World

A&D is a conservative industry — and for good reason: it forms our nations’ critical infrastructure. So, the natural question may be: “Do I really want to trust our nation’s critical infrastructure to a machine?”.

But the real question should be: “In what practical ways can we build maximally-reliable, maximally-innovative supply chains?”. And the only answer is AI that is built and operated responsibly.

Carnegie builds Trusted & Secure AI, intolerant of error.

The result? An unprecedented opportunity for A&D manufacturers. Carnegie will empower your business to eliminate variance in your manufacturing processes and produce more reliable products than ever before.

Put another way: How do you really know that today a single member of your manufacturing team has not committed a single unidentified human error in a single process in a single product line that will cause a catastrophic accident tomorrow?

You don’t. No-one does.

The alternative to the arbitrary chaos of human quality execution is the reliability and regularity of automation.

And automation will lead your quality team to look different in the future than it did in the past.

The New Normal

Instead, in the new normal, Quality Managers become Quality Guarantors. The role of a Quality Guarantor is not to execute a task — such as to review hundreds of pages of flowdown compliance documentation in a purchase order.

Instead, a Quality Automation System (QAS) autonomously executes these tasks. The role of the Quality Guarantor is to inspect and verify the work of the QAS.

Carnegie’s state-of-the-art AI models — optimised for consistency & security — eliminates the need for manual labor. A QAS is a next-generation QMS, where we have optimised every design decision to eliminate human error.

So, when senior leadership engages with the quality team, you’ll know several things:

  • These quality managers are alert, adequately resourced, and on top of their job
  • A best-in-class QAS has executed all quality tasks, eliminating human error
  • Your Quality Guarantors have inspected and verified the output of the QAS, ensuring automation is always working in your favour

Carnegie is growing rapidly and transforming quality, supply chain, and procurement departments across the aerospace industry. We work exclusively with Allied countries — primarily from the United States and the United Kingdom.

Contact our sales team today. Inquire about becoming a customer and learn how we can serve you

Jan 16, 2024

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